December 8, 2011

Here Are The Famous Novelist In The World

Here Are The Famous Novelist In The World

Age of mother and our grandparents, dreams of becoming a writer might get a sneer. Fortunately for us who live on the books and articles it was has become a necessity. Being a novelist is an ideal that is not less great as a doctor or lawyer. Moreover, when our creation was widely known by the world. Who are the names of the author's novel of international caliber you need to know? The author's name associated with the theme of the story world. Rarely have world writers who have the ability to write in different genres. The authors are included in the rare category is Astrid Lindgren. She began with his hilariously popular with the character Pippi Longstocking, a girl who is very strong but tempered ridiculous. He also created the figure of Emil and Lotta are also hilarious. However, in addition to her work which is hilarious, he is also able to spawn a sentimental work. My son and Ronya Mio, for example. 

Here Are The Famous Novelist In The World

Thriller theme Quick Grooved 
Sidney Sheldon, Dan Brown, and Michael Chrichton, three names are active in the thriller genre. The name of the author's first novel is often peppered his writing with a detailed setting and the romance of the protagonists. The main character the average woman who has a great career, he rarely makes the Adam as the main actor. His works include The Rage of Angel, Naked Face, and Are You Afraid Of The Dark? While Dan Brown Da Vinci Code famous thanks to his stylish thriller featuring the work of a rich literature. His work is diverse, not only about the controversies of religion and history, but also as a display of science in Deception Point and Digital Fortress. Last author's name is a best seller that is also his book was made by a box office film. His work is like Jurassic Park, Disclosure, and Time Line-selling and played repeatedly by private television. 

Experts in Inner Conflict 
Jody Piccoult ingenious in concocting inner conflicts of each character. My Sister Keeper dilemma describes a girl who has always been donates his blood to her brother, became a best seller until filmed by Hollywood. So it is with his work titled Salem Falls which tells the bitter story of a teacher who was thrown in prison for false accusations of his pupil. 

Rich in Imagination 
Kate DiCamilio more playing in the world of children who are rich imagination. The Tale of Despereaux has filmed, tells about a mouse who loves a princess. While Enid Blyton by Lima Sekawan famous, not just expert write adventure stories of teenagers. He also tells of the fairy world smoothly and the little man. Eva Ibbotson is not to be outdone. He talked about the world champion of magic, fairies, monsters, ghosts and Dracula. Uniquely, the stories do not make the hair stand on end. The reader will actually laugh or touched by reading the stories, like Peron 13, Dracula Looking for Wife, and the Ghost Agent. 

Solve the Case 
Speak about the murder mystery or a robbery, the detective Sherlock Holmes and Hercules Poirot experts. With superb engineering and analysis talents, both detective fictions have become a legendary figure. Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. While Hercules Poirot, Agatha Christie is the favorite character. 

Indonesia's Global Writer 
Besides the names above, there are many names novelist who has an international scale. There is Paulo Coelho (Alchemist), CS Lewis (The Cronichles of Narnia), JRR Tolkien (The Lord of the Ring), Neil Gaimann (Coraline), Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House of the Prairie) and Herge (Tintin). This name will continue to grow, there is even the possibility of Indonesia began a worldwide writers, such as Andrea Hirata with the Warriors of the rainbow began to be translated into various languages. And who knew that soon it is time for you to belong to the name of the famous novelist's imagination thanks to you.

Here Are The Famous Novelist In The World

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