December 5, 2011

Ghostwriter Skills

Ghostwriter Skills

Do you know what is ghostwriter skills? The work of a ghostwriter is writing the script. The ghostwriter  sometimes also edit the script. For professional work, they also must be able to work as a journalist and researcher. Some scripts do need to research activities and intensive interviews. Sometimes a ghostwriter only accept raw draft from the author and weight assignment is to bring the draft into a perfect script.

ghost writer skill

Ghostwriter Skills

Ghostwriter not the same as co-writer or co-author. Co-writers are co-authors (also professional) who used to be invited by someone to write a book together. For example, Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen invited to write the book of Chicken Soup. The reason is Jack Canfield is not a writer, but a trainer and initiator only. Name of co-writers as the author clearly stated and usually the second name after the author.
There are some competencies that must be owned by a ghostwriter (ghostwriter skills) that is:
1) They have to mastering language skills, including mastering spelling;
2) skills and speed writing above average;
3) the ability of journalism;
4) the ability to communicate with all kind of people;
5) the ability and editing skills;
6) they must be having insight into the authorship and the publishing world;
7) the ability to use high technology.
Ghostwriter can work independently (one man show) or join in publishing services institution. Of course every choice there are advantages and disadvantages. If choosing to work alone, at least have to put up a high technology-based equipment, such as laptops for mobile, mobile modem for internet access, mobile phone, tape recorder or a more sophisticated digital recorders, at least 8-megapixel digital camera, and of course PCs at home as well as reference books. However, the work itself is certainly more inviting satisfaction, including the matter of income. As for working with agencies, of all things such as equipment already provided. However, in terms of income only to get a salary, plus bonuses for results.
Now, You know about ghostwriter skills.

Ghostwriter Skills


  1. Nice Post, bro.. :D

  2. like ur post. Skill makes us able to do anything, even beyond our imagination. Suddenly becoming TIK writer, suddenly becoming karakter bangsa writer, suddenly becoming a life style writer, suddenly becoming a healthy consultant. ROCK!!

  3. Endang: i agree with your statement... ghostwriter has very amazing skills.

    Keep writing


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