June 30, 2011

Ghostwriter Services: What Should We Know about Ghostwriter Services?

Ghostwriter Services: What Should We Know about Ghostwriter Services?

When you have dozen of great ideas, but you didn’t know exactly how to begin with, may be this is the perfect time to get to know to a skilled Ghostwriter. A skilled Ghostwriter will help you to develop your ideas or to supply any valid information for your writing material. Besides the skill, a Ghostwriter shall have a different writing styles as well as maximize your purpose of writing, such as selling products, advertising or informing.
So what scope of services are included in the area of a Ghostwriter?

Ghostwriter Services: What Should We Know about Ghostwriter Services?

  1. Expanding your prime ideas and concepts. A ghostwriter shall have a wide range of knowledge, that is why they can help you to expand an idea and concept.
  2. Refining your language and sentence structure. This is the basic knowledge of a Ghostwriter “must-have item”. A Ghostwriter’s top job is to synchronize and organize the sentence structure.
  3. Adapting your whole text to the specified theme and style that you might require. When you decide to hire a ghostwriter, you must discuss all out what is your willing exactly in your book including your writing styles and the type of your reader.
  4. Making an interview. To support valid data to the writing project, a ghostwriter shall conduct an interview for research.
  5. Providing a draft and revised submission of your project. After you are dealing with a ghostwriter and start the project, first she/he will send you the draft of your whole ideas. Completing by feedbacks and notes in the form of comments or bubble.

One of the reliable ghostwriter service is ghostwriterinfo.com.

Besides providing excellent ghostwriter service, we will also not publish, share, distribute, post or sell any of your work. We are highly respect of your work as well as coming up with reasonable price for various services. Don’t wait until your deadline passed!

Ghostwriter Services: What Should We Know about Ghostwriter Services?

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June 27, 2011

Being An E-book Writer? Why not?

Do you know what e-book is? E-book is a digital book. E-book using internet as it diffusion media throughout the world. It may in the form of text with images, either photos or ilustrated to support the information in the text. E-book also can and do exist without any form of its printed books. Devices like Personal Computers, Laptop and some cell phones can be used to read and access an e-book.

What about being an e-book writer?
Are you a writer or ghostwriter? Have you ever write an e-book? Writing an e-book will be a great way to promote almost everything. You can promote your writing skill, you can sell book-of course, you can raise your finansial gain, or it just can be of your actualization-self motivation. Isn’t that interesting?

How can you start to write an e-book?
  1. To become an e-book writer you must know your target, your market. Choose the trending topic from the internet for example or you may choose the topic from the environment, from any people nearby.
  2. Do a research and make an outline. A research as well as an outline is very important to develop ideas and create an e-book. Take a deep research from any competent person, websites, organization, etc. It will help you to find out some necessary data and the most important, a credible data. Then, make an outline. It will help you to develop your ideas. Divide your outline into chapters and chapters’s section. Support your writing with images to give clear explanation and information. It also make your ebook readable and interesting, not a dry-kind ebook.
  3. Choose an eye catching title. You may write down your idea concerning the title of your ebook a few different ones, so it will help you with some other ideas to considerate and help you to be focused.

Don’t get to be so focused in the outcome of your first e-book. You can at least say “I DID it!
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It's all about Ghostwriter Job

It's all about Ghostwriter Job

Have you ever imagine to become a ghostwriter? But, what exactly a ghostwriter? Ghostwriter means hidden writer. Generally, Ghostwriter helps people to define ideas, experience, knowledge, story of life, to become one published book, journal, article, brochure, agenda, and many more. Ghostwriter also can act as a writing materials consultant. Do you think you will take some times to become a ghostwriter? NOT Exactly. If you already get used to write some written materials, especially books, you will soon become a ghostwriter.
It's all about Ghostwriter Job
It's all about Ghostwriter Job

So, what should we know to enter ghostwriter job?

1. Make a list of your client
You may not think that the clients are wellknown people. Indeed, that they may pay you higher, but do they know you? Do you able to convince them with your ability? Well, probably. For your information, there are some potential clients around you. A successful home industry owner, a successful full time mom business, a successful farmer, a successful multi level marketing person, a successful restaurant owner. Hey, million of ideas arround you.

2. Friendly and ellegant approaching
If you want to get an accurate information from somebody, then you must understand how to approach them. It is very necessary to get to know the character of each person who is tremendously different and unique. It will help you approach them. With a proper approach, we will easily blend in and get the information as we may need.

3. Make an interview
An interview is one of the important element. Using an interview, you will find out what your client want in their book or another writing material they will make. You can arrange an interview by phone, messenger, email, or face to face.

4. Don’t forget the fee
Determine your fee. Make sure that you have a reasonable price and the most important, it shall come with quality. You can also disccuss your long term or short term contract with your client.

Now, you shall be considered Ghostwriter as one of your freelance or fulltime job!

It's all about Ghostwriter Job

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June 24, 2011

What do you know about book editing?

book editing
book editing
If one of your hobbies is reading a book, you will probably realize that reading a book without annoying mistakes is preferred. These mistakes including mistyped, grammar error, jumbled paragraph, capitalize error, mixed confusing contents, and others which make uncomfortable reading. Avoiding mistakes in reading materials, we shall need book editing. Book editing is about how to present a credible book. 

It is not only how to check some mistyped words, but also to make sure that the logic of the ideas have no hole, the grammar, spelling, sentence structure are tripping out beautifully to the readers. Book editing shall become the most important thing if we want to present a manuscript to become a published book.
Do you know that maybe somebody makes a little editing but she/he already makes a big difference? The answer is YES. Now, look at carefully of the following sentences.
  1. Seaweed puddin is only $2.50 if you buy lunch package.
  2. Miranda can hear what Donny’s.
  3. Lana went to the library to get as many info as she could.
  4. Look at carefuly on the mirror.
  5. Hannah sleeps at 12.00 p.m. last night
Can you see the mistakes of the sentence above? Let’s do a-book editing-job!
  1. Seaweed pudding is only $2.50 if you buy lunch package.
  2. Miranda can hear what Donny’s speaking.
  3. Lana went to the library to get as much info as she could.
  4. Look at carefully on the mirror.
  5. Hannah slept at 12.00 p.m. last night
Book editing is how about to polish a manuscript until it shines; refine ideas, transferring logic and correct sentences, make sure no grammar error that occurred, correct some misused words, tied up the end of the materials, etc. Moreover, who wants to purchase unedited book?
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June 23, 2011

Why do I need to hire a writer?

hire a writer
hire a writer
Sometimes in the world-full of competition and rivalry, we must move fast, get every opportunity that comes. We should be able to catch ideas one step ahead specifically, when we enter the writing world. As a writer, we may know that a book is a bundle of knowledge in written form. A book shall influence people, a book shall make a big difference, a book shall set our mind as the writer wish, and furthermore we can also turn the world in peace or chaos with a book.

As the importance of writing a book, we may need an extra careful when producing a manuscript. Sometimes we don’t have any sufficient times to write a book; on the other hand we are catching up a deadline ahead. That is why we may need to hire a writer. What? Hire a writer? We are a writer! Do we really need to hire another writer? The answer may be varying. It depends on how we may see hiring a writer. If we face an urgent and important project of book, but we can’t buy the time, so hiring a writer would be a brilliant solution.

Ghostwriterinfo.com may be a good solution for hiring writer or we can also call as a ghostwriter. A reasonable price comes up with a reasonable ability. Indeed! That a price may answer the quality of the writer, it is how you “buy” professionalism. The cheaper price shall mean you will ready to sacrifice quality or deal with plagiarized materials. Hire a writer is not about transferring your entire job to another writer. It is a process of a brainstorming, transferring ideas, defining scope of mind to a hired writer and getting a wide knowledge together. Remember! Hire a writer with a wide of experience under her/his belt so that you can trust your project savely.
Ahmed Noer
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June 20, 2011

How to Make Children Interested in Writing

In addition to generating interest in Writing for children, teachers and parents should also be able to raise the motivation to write to the children are. Here are tips arouse interest in writing for children.
  1. Writing interest begins with a lot of reading. So, just we have to raise the motivation child to love reading. It could be a book children's fiction, comics, or popular science books. Some children are difficult to write because of their traditions are lacking in reading. However, we can handle it with the scatter some books in their bed. Although sometimes they do not care about the book, but eventually the child will be interested to open and read it.
  2. Often storytelling for children. Besides being able to strengthen the relationship between parents and children, can also raise the interest of children to write. We have to give the storytelling to children with interesting stories that children love to hear it.
  3. Provide facilities likes story books, fairy tales, or other book in their room. From here the child can recognize a variety of readings that might arouse their interest.
  4. Periodically, once a week for example, take the child to the bookstore, library, or book fair. Give your child the freedom to choose his favorite books. For instance, let the kids take 5 books home with the agreement she want to read it thoroughly.
  5. When the child is already showing interest, we have encouraged him to make a post. The way is it can by asking her to write daily activities in his diary. Reassure your child that they could write and be able to finish their writing.
  6. Excitatory fantasy child. Children are rich in fantasy, such as going into space. Well, this fantasy stimuli by asking him to write the book. Another fantasy, like a superhero, make friends with robots, must also be stimulated.
  7. Encourage the child to go to places full of inspiration such as beaches, mountains, or exhibition of feeling on the book to stimulate the senses. Remember, the author takes sensitivity. If the sensitivity is stronger, the better for the world of writing that may be they do.
  8. Provide training. For example, begins by giving 15 words which must be assembled into a single sentence. The exercise is to make children more adept at stringing writing.
  9. Never underestimate the children's work even though his work is very ugly. We must appreciate that spirit to write without smudging. Is not diligently practice, then the child will increasingly honed skills?
  10. If possible, work together with the school to look up a better lesson, With this way, we hope the children interest to writing will appear.

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June 19, 2011

Work Rules of Ghostwriter

Many people want to devote a thought or idea into writing, but can not afford. Therefore, such people are likely to use a ghostwriter services or hire a ghostwriter.
In Indonesia, Yusril Ihza Mahendra popular as a ghostwriter's speech to President Soeharto, President Habibie, President Megawati, and even the President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Once we know the deceased Ramadhan KH as a specialist writer of the official biography. I think a lot ghostwriter who are now roaming in Indonesia, including my own.
A ghostwriter must understand the rules and code of ethics as a writer.
A ghostwriter should be binding written agreement with his client or at least get an official letter from client work orders. A ghostwriter, ideally should distinguish three types of work, such as the work of writing, editing and research work.
If you as a ghostwriter, how good you are set special rates for the writing. As for doing research into additional income. This means that all the burden borne by the client outside writing service, such as accommodation, transportation, and purchase reference books. The main thing that must be guarded by a ghostwriter is the confidentiality of the contents of a book or client confidentiality if requested. Ghostwriter should not be indiscriminate indulgence in his work to the public in detail. It is usually expressed in the agreement.
Upon receiving a client request, ghostwriter needs to make a book proposal by considering the time required, the research will be conducted, as well as supply tariffs in accordance with the desired base. Warranty is at stake is the guarantee of quality, accurate content, and accuracy of deadlines. The main obstacle ghostwriter is usually time constraints to pursue a deadline because sometimes had to adjust the time with sources or clients.
Ghostwriter should also consider whether he could write in a field that is not her area of expertise. Ghostwriter professional attitudes need to be shown, including honesty, if it can not afford.
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Writing Steps

If you want to be a ghostwriter you have to know about the writing steps. It is important because if you do not know about the steps, you will lose your ideas. If you write just for fun, you do not have a perfect outline or map writing. This is the important things for the writer to know how about the writing steps. Every writer has his own writing process. However, many writer describe the process of writing that they do has steps that are relatively the same, namely as follows.

a. Plan
Writing activities, both fiction and nonfiction, still requires planning, although planning is in our minds. In this activity, like write scientific papers (academic/popular), the planning includes gathering materials, setting goals and form, outlining (in the form of outline or a mind map), and define the bad reader. So, plan is the number one of what have to do by the writer to begin our writing.

b. Write
When the planning and the materials are ready, we just started writing. Writing can be interpreted as the activities of preparing and assembling a sentence in such a way so that the messages, information, and intentions contained in thoughts, ideas, and opinions of authors can be delivered properly. Something like the style of writing, we can study the authors writing style that already exists. So that would later form his own style of writing.

c. Reflect
This reflection needs to be done after writing is finished. Writer need to ask ourselves, for example, whether the writing produced truly meet the objectives? Does the copy fit the target audience? Is the writing is already informing the message carefully? These questions will encourage us to become a qualified and professional writers.

d. Revise
One of the weakness of the writer is not revised or edited after the script has finished writing. When we write the script. We do not have to think about the theory of language. When writing, pour everything you have in mind. Perfected the process is done after the writing is completed. Editing and refinement is essential to produce a clear written, directed, focused, and in accordance with the wishes of the writer and reader. Writers also need to check carefully whether the evidence presented to support statements phrased so as not to cause problems or misunderstanding.

The steps is really has to do by the writer. The ghostwriter has to know about this. Just do it to perfectly your writing.
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June 17, 2011

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

Continued from 7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

4. Get valuable experience
It publishes the script of the book by itself challenges facing heavier than the published manuscript by publishers. Start from working script by ourself , edit it by ourself, layout by ourself, look for printing and sell of the product by itself. It is very exhausting work. But you have a very valuable experience. The experience will not be obtained from reading the book, from the stories of others, even from the wise advice though. With experience honed his soul that a person will face all challenges.
7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

5. Incomparable satisfaction
When the script self publising've actually become a book, complacency can not be described in words. As was awakened from a dream you would say, really I could do this? Really this is my work? Really I can not think can do like this. Each sheet of a book that you open, imagine the drops of sweat that accompanies the manuscript until the book. And whose name could not be assessed satisfaction with the money!

6. Prestige
When the book was finished, and you offer to others, there is prestige. Apparently you can not only sell the idea is still abstract, but can also sell a book written in real terms. You do not rely on others is a plus in itself. Even when with friends you can exclaim, "Yes, I can!"

7. Greater material benefits
If the writers who submitted the manuscript to publishers only get a royalty, then you will get with self publising much more. For simulation, the price of the book Rp. 50,000, if you give to the publisher, it will has royalty between 5% -15%. Means you can only Rp. 2500- Rp.7500 per book. But with self publishing, you simply set aside 25% for the cost of printing and other production costs. While the 75% is yours. That means you'll be pocketing Rp. 37 500 per book. That figure is equivalent to 10 times the royalties you would get if you submit the manuscript to a publisher. So, what are you waiting for, it's time to author a hundred percent independent, working on the script and sell it themselves. Congratulations climbing the ladder of success!

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

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7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

Professional writers in Indonesia is not very appreciated and can not be used as fixed income, not as in developed countries. A writer in the West such as J.K. Rowling can gather a wealth of up to trillions of dollars just from the writing. While in Indonesia, like it's still just a dream. Person who most profit, most of a book usually is a book distributor or publisher. Writers only get the dregs. So writers who want to earn more will inevitably have to be able to sell his own book and need to publish his work in self publishing. Why the writer needs to publish his own work is as follows:
7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

When the script has been worked on by a publisher, sometimes there are things that must be cut and adjusted to a standard publisher. For example, if the publisher wants the mindset of the pro market, while the authors have a less idealistic to consider whether the market will accept it or not. So with self publising, author of more free to express his writings without the intervention of other parties.

2. Does not depend on others
For authors who do not have a name, it will usually underestimated by the publisher. Especially if his work is the work of the first, while he has not got a name, surely publishers will think a thousand times to publish the manuscript. Although according to the author, the script could potentially explode. With the self publising, direct writers can publish his work without having to rely on "charity" publishers.

3. Not waiting for the other party's decision
The most annoying thing in life is to wait and wait. Moreover, if waiting for something that is not necessarily. When authors submit manuscripts to publishers, usually given a promise to call back a month later. And, sometimes a month there has been no reply from the publisher by any reason. While the author of "forced" faithfully awaiting the decision of the publisher. If the answer is, your manuscript is accepted, of course boredom waiting lost already. But if the answer is, your script can not we publish the reasons for this and that. It hurts!
Continued to: 7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part II)

7 Reasons why choose Self Publishing (part I)

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June 16, 2011

Let’s write now! (Part 2)

4. I don’t have original ideas
Barriers are often encountered in getting started writing is to feel has no original ideas. The ideas in our mind fear of being seen to imitate or copy someone else's idea. You have to know that no idea is original. No one minded original. Thinking people are always colored by the thinking of others. We are often get ideas from reading, observing, or respond to the speech of others. So, it was not reason for not writing because they do not have an original idea. 

5. Long haunted the writing/essay 
We often assume that good writing is long. So we are haunted by the target page to be achieved. As a result we will not feel able to write that long and ultimately failed to write. It is clear that the assumption was wrong. At the time of writing, we are not haunted by the number of pages that will be achieved. The important thing is to finish before writing up an idea that will be delivered can be poured. It was not until the process of adding or subtracting done during editing (editing) we are writing it. Those things are always a bottleneck at the time to start writing. Throw away the obstacle that always comes up in the heart so that we can begin the process of writing. 
One other obstacle in writing is difficult to start. Once we hold a pen and paper to prepare or already on the front of the computer to write, sometimes we are confused to start with words or phrases such as what. We are stunned to think about to forget the idea or ideas that will be poured. In the end we failed to write at the time. Yet every day we are chatting with friends or anyone else without having to think long to get started. The conversation flowed just like that even if not coherently. If it is applied in the writing, perhaps we would not have stuck that way. If you can mastering all of that point you will become a good ghostwriter.
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June 14, 2011

Let’s write now! (Part 1)

Become a ghostwriter require basic skills. One of the basic skills is "just start writing now". If you want to write something an idea in your mind, just write it now. You can begin to write things that you have mastered. Think positively that you can definitely come despite obstacles facing. Make sure first, whether you are more comfortable writing by hand, typewriter, or using a computer. Because, there is a comfortable person to write by hand directly. 
Write Now!
However, some people are more comfortable using a regular typewriter even though there is a computer in their house. One well-known authors such as Rosihan Anwar, prefer to write using a typewriter. He said that ideas will flow profusely when he heard the sound of tick-no typewriter. This is certainly different from the young writers that they more comfortable by using a computer. Leisure writing like this should be noted, because it would affect the flow of writing ideas. This Convenience is also determining whether or not the focus of writing. When you are focus on writing, of course it will be successful.
Previously, you also have to get rid of the things that will inhibit writes. Barriers are more to come from yourself. Barriers among them to write it as follows. 

1. I am not a writer
Whisper heart like that would lead to the perception. The perception is a process involving the entry of a message or information into the human brain. The perception that "I am not the author” will “kill” the spirit of us in writing. When our heart says 'can not', be assured that forever we will never be. In fact, we've never tried it. 

2. I always fear of guilt or embarrassment
Fear of being wrong or shy can also hinder us when to start writing. We become versatile carefully everytime we write a sentence by sentence. Take away any feelings of fear, because no one had experienced errors. Instead we can learn a lot from that mistake. In writing we should be learning by doing. In addition, we must open our writing be read and appreciated others. 

3. I can not write great things
This assumption is a barrier to us in writing. Before writing a single word we've been pessimistic that our writing is not weight. Especially if you feel that there is no great experience ever experienced. This assumption is clearly wrong. If we consider, many writings that are considered 'great' actually originated from simple. Rest assured that you wrote it is something extraordinary.
What are the other barriers that occur when writing? Click here.
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