August 31, 2011

Three Ways to Publish a Book

Three Ways to Publish a Book

I still often find a friend of mine who do not know how to publish a book. Moreover, in the past two years I saw a new development in our publishing world. More and more writers who publish books on self publishing. Meanwhile, Publishing Services began to mushrooms, making the book publishing business is becoming increasingly easy. As the title of this article, I will explain three ways that can be publish your book.
Three Ways to Publish a Book

Three Ways to Publish a Book

Method I: Offering a Script to a Publisher
This is the most conventional way, the most common, and most preferred by the writers since time immemorial. You've got a script, and then offered to a particular publisher, and then they publish it (if it is considered feasible forthcoming).
Advantages Method I:
  1. No hassle. As writers, we just sent the manuscript to publishers. After that, we just wait. When our manuscript published as feasible, then the affairs of editing, design, cover creation, printing, etc. distribution handled directly by the publisher. For marketing/promotions, publishers usually also deal with, but the author is expected to also actively promoted. After the book was published, the authors typically receive royalties of 6 to 12 percent of the selling price of the book (but there is also a true sale system, where the author sells the book value of, then the publisher pays only once before). Our job as a writer only to send the script, then wait for his book, and then receive royalties (numbering based on sales). If you want your book sold well, then you also can actively and aggressively promote it.
  2. No need of capital. You do not need to spend a special fund for the printing of books (which number could be millions). Everything is borne by the issuer. Even if there are costs that you should remove it, most only cost printed your manuscripts, postage manuscripts, etc., that are still classified as "small change".
  3. Get passive income. Periodically, the authors will receive royalties on sales of his book submissions. For example three months, four months, or six months. So just imagine: You've no need to take care of books already published, but royalties will continue to arrive during the book sales are still there. Even if you've died, royalties could be passed on to families.
  4. Support publishers. When you publish a book on the big publishers, they usually already have a strong distribution network, printing the result quality, good marketing system, and so on. Things like this must be very lucrative for writers.
  5. The existence of quality control. Publishers usually have a standard of quality raw manuscript, the manuscript has a strict system of selection, have a professional design team, and so on. Therefore, the quality of the books they published were usually more secure. Your script is probably mediocre, the publishers can be transformed into an extraordinary book.

Weaknesses Method I:
  1. The possibility of rejected manuscripts. Since publishers already have strict criteria in publishing the book, and the large number of manuscripts that come in, then of course, not all incoming manuscripts to be published. Therefore, if you take the way I was, mentally prepare you if the rejection of the manuscript to come.
  2. Relatively long waiting period. Since you send a manuscript to no news about whether or not the manuscript away, it takes the fastest time of one month (depending on the number of queues at the publisher the manuscript). And when your manuscript has been published was declared eligible, you still have to wait about 3 months (even more) until the book could actually rise.
  3. The result is often not as expected. Since the publication of your book is done by others, of course the result can not be 100% fit your expectations. Maybe the editing to make you upset, cover does not fit your tastes, and still a lot of "unexpected problems" that may arise.
  4. Less Income. Indeed the amount of royalties can vary, depending on many things. But in general is 10%. Say your book selling price of Rp 30,000. Then you just get a royalty of Rp. 3,000 for single copies of the book were sold. Small, is not it?

Method II: Self Publishing
In this second way (the so-called self publishing), the authors do not offer the manuscript to any publisher, but the writer is acting as a publisher. Therefore, all matters relating to the publication of books (ranging from writing, editing, design, cover creation, provision of printing costs and then take care of printing, distribution, marketing, etc.), are handled entirely by you as a writer.
Advantages Method II:
  1. Freedom from rejection of the manuscript. You are the author and publisher. You are free to publish whatever you want at will, any way you want, as freely whatever you want.
  2. Free queue. Since you yourself are taking care of everything, then the long process of publishing a book or not depends on your own efforts. Want a quick or long, all depending on you. If you print on a particular printing job and it turns out they are old, then you can easily move to another printer.
  3. The result can be 100% fit. His name is also self-publishing. It's all up to you.You are free to create a concept, format and form of the book that really fit.
  4. Greater income. Since you own so his publisher, then there is no royalty terms. There is profit from the sale of books. The amount of profit is of course far greater than the amount of royalties from the publisher.

Weaknesses Method II:
  1. Rumble hassle. Because all affairs should be handled in-house, then of course you should be prepared for all the trouble. In fact, you are also expected to already understand the ins and outs of book publishing world. If not, then you probably will find many obstacles that interfere - even confusion and distress - the publishing process.
  2. Must have the capital. Of all components of the cost of book publishing, printing costs, including the amount at most, which is about 90 percent. The amount of the printing costs of course depend on many things. But as a general overview, you may have to provide funding of about $ 2 million to tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars. If you do not have capital, surely this would be a problem in itself.
  3. Quality Control is often unguarded. Because the authors are free to issue whatever books he wanted at will, all up to him, then the quality is often a problem in itself. Many self publishing books that are terrible in terms of quality.Even as the writers do not understand science of marketing and promotion, sales of his book was muddy on the market. Most writers who resort to self publishing was just thinking "I published an important book." This is a very alarming phenomenon in the world of self publishing.

Method III: Hire a Publishing Services
Above you can listen to three main weaknesses are quite disturbing when you choose the method II. The good news, now present a number of Publishing Service is ready to help you publish the book in a way that is much easier.
In general, the publishing service can be defined as services that will help you self publish a book publishing. They can overcome some weaknesses in the method II:
  1. Rumble hassle. The publishing service providers can help you take care of editing, book design and cover, printing, distribution, marketing, and so on. In essence, in terms of convenience, one might say almost as easy a way I.
  2. Must have the capital. In this service publishing services, you usually can choose the package that fits your budget publication. There was even a free.
  3. Quality control? The publisher service does not usually take part of your script to handle quality control. Even if part handle, usually they do a custom the author's alone. Rough language, no money no work. You want to be helped to the affairs of editing, design, manufacture cover and so on, all existing tariffs

Three Ways to Publish a Book

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