March 13, 2012

6 Ways to Make the Most of Any Writing Workshop Or Writing Class

6 Ways to Make the Most of Any Writing Workshop Or Writing Class If you've recently signed up for a writing workshop or writing class, in the hopes of becoming a better writer, then follow these simple steps to make the most of that experience: 1) Read! Read! Read! Before the very first class or...
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Write Your eBook - 6 Great Ways to Find the Time

Write Your eBook - 6 Great Ways to Find the Time Busy! Busy! Busy! What's new? And who isn't busy? The majority of eBook authors are part-time writers. There are very few professional writers making their living writing non-fiction eBooks. In most cases, the eBook author is a professional with...
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Real Money - Ghost Writers

Real Money - Ghost Writers Writing has become one of the easy stress free way of making money online from articles writing, personal letter, newsletter, sales letter even business proposal. If you have passion for writing then you have an oil well right inside of you which can be turn into a source...
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Article Ghost Writers Can Make You Money

Article Ghost Writers Can Make You Money Article ghost writers can make you money by taking a fresh look at your niche. If your website is getting a bit flat, and your visitors dwindling a bit, then you may need a bit more zing and pizzazz in your writing. Something to attract visitors and keep them...
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Who Uses Ghost Writers

Who Uses Ghost Writers If you want to know about who uses ghost writers, just read my article below: Ghost writers are writers that produce content, articles, press releases, or other projects for people. They sell the projects and the buyer retains full rights to the pieces, including copyrights,...
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March 10, 2012

Writer or Author?

Writer or Author? In the world of writing there are two main people, the writer and the author. Do you know the difference between the two? Writing and writing are two activities that use means of communication and the same target, the reader. The difference is the source of his writing. In writing,...
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